Hol Hah – Sin Tiempo – Out of Time
Vibraci贸n del d铆a: TIERRA
Daily vibration: EARTH
Afirmaci贸n: Yo Soy Tierra, Experiencia y Realidad
Statement: I am Earth, Experience and Reality
Tarea: Junto a una planta medita en posici贸n de tetraedro, en silencio escuchando: 1潞 los sonidos externos, 2潞 la respiraci贸n. Clave: convertirse en Tierra. (M铆nimo 5 minutos)
Task: Meditate with a plant in a tetrahedral position, in sailence listening to: 1st external sounds, 2nd breathing. Key: becoming Earth (minimum 5 minutes)
C贸digo del d铆a: Al ver sus sue帽os, el Gran Ojo nueve l谩grimas de luz dej贸 derramar, iniciando los caminos del Universo: El Uno, la Dualidad, la Trinidad, los Cuatro Fundamentos, los Cinco Elementos, los Seis Atributos, Las Siete Leyes, los Ocho Tiempos y los Nueve Frutos del Ser. El Gran Ojo vivi贸 as铆 sus sue帽os, observ谩ndose creador de realidades. As铆 el Vac铆o se volvi贸 Plenitud, la Nada se volvi贸 el Todo, el Mahas se volvi贸 Saham. Y sus l谩grimas fueron sonidos, fueron luces, fueron formas…
Code: Seeing his dreams, the Great Eye dropped 9 tears, creating the paths of the Universe: The Self, Duality, the Four Foundations, the Five Elements, the Six Attributes, the Seven Laws, the Eight Times and the Nine Fruits of the Being. The Great Eye lived then his dreams, watching himself as the creator of realities. Thus the Void became Plenitude, Nothingness became the Hole, Mahas became Saham. And his tears became sounds, became lights, became forms…