Te invito a hacer Alquimia con tu Ser y crear un Estado de Consciencia Interno que transforme

el Estado de Consciencia Externo: descubre el Camino Yo Soy, conéctate a tu ser en Ontos, y transfórmate en Al-Khem.


  1. Estoy aquí de nuevo explorando y gitano en este camino que estado en el por más de 30 años. Muchas circunstancias muy difíciles han sucedido en los últimos 12 meses. Me preparo para hacer el instrumento que ayuda a nuestra transformación energética.

  2. me apareciò una nota diicendome que el sitio yosoy.red, charlas entre el yo y el soy no es seguro y no me dejan entrar. yo lo sigo dia a dia

  3. Hola familia Terrena,
    Aqui estoy, con cada célula de mis cuerpos. Cuenten con todo mi ser para manifestar esta nueva realidad. Y estoy en este momento buscando a mi niña interna para imaginarla.

  4. Soy,, Estoy,, nací con el proyecto AMOR vibrando en cada una de mis células, aguardando qué mi vibrar interior se materialize.
    Soy icosaedro, Soy activista y Estoy en activación.
    Soy parte en esta Red.

  5. Mi nombre en esta vida es Sara Yaneli García Morales, tengo 30 años, un esposo llamado Leyver Cañas Cartas, y una hija llamada Lila Athziri Cañas Garcia, me presento con infinita gratitud, hacia ustedes, por la union y el trabajo realizado. Estoy al servicio para evolucionar juntos .

  6. I am one heart oneart OneEarth project manifesting the evolution of counscioness through and with this amazing network. I bring the wisdom of the fire and through this process unlocking and activating to bring it to the world. Let’s begin 🌎🌍🌏🔯💗💫🌹🔥💦🌱

    Much gratitude for this experience 🌷🌺

  7. Hola, soy Francoise,
    justo hace dos dias que me re- encontre de nuevo con mi niña interior en un gran momento amoroso, y hoy ,precisamente cuando caminabamos juntas preguntandonos que sorpresa nos reservaba este dia soleado, nos encontramos bailando entre los hilos de nuestro gran tejedor Matias, y asi fuimos agrupandonos mas y mas, estamos tejiendo red??? Wuhau!!! Que alegria, aun no sabemos donde nos lleva, pero mi niña y yo estamos felices de empezar una nueva aventura. Gracias Maty, y a Guille, y a toda la red que se va formando, contentas de volver a caminar juntos.💖

  8. Querido Mati, queridos TODOS:
    Hoy re-comenzando el camino con Ustedes, ya que hace 26 ańos empecé esta senda, dando atención a pequeńas seńales que me fueron marcando el camino. En esta reencarnación ya me queda claro que la Muerte no existe, que el Alma es eterna, que existen las reencarnaciones, que mi misión es servir en cooperar para traer “Cristos” al Mundo para la Nueva Humanidad. Y mi propósito colaborar en Traer el Cielo a la Tierra. Asique me re sumo al nuevo Camino. Nos amo!

  9. Currently going through it! I’d love to do it daily but it does things to me, and after I recover I am a huge notch improved. I’ve been working my way through since it was live. It’s been my enlightenment. I’m not the same person anymore. The most vital ascension initiator for us all to be doing right now. It clears away the trauma, just watching the episodes and reading the blog. The edited English versions are such a blessing, thank you for all you do Matias, including learning English for us. My gratitude towards you goes beyond words. 🙏

  10. Gracias Matías y a todos… por ayudarnos a elevar nuestro estado de consciencia personal y también el colectivo. Así es y hecho está!!

  11. Estoy inteesada en apoyar todo lo relacionado con la ontocracia y camino del despertar de consciencia . Soy Mexicana y también soy una semilla que siembra consciencia .Tengo un espacio holístico y ahí es donde puedo educar o sembrar a los que asisten . Apenas te descubrí , agradezco al universo por ello y no me canso de recomendar que te escuchen y sigan . Es grandioso lo que haces y me sumo a tus proyectos , puedes contar conmigo en Mexico (Tijuana Baja California), para sumar y crecer y trascender, apoyar . Gracias Mati

  12. looks like a place for the subconscious and unconscious, can we just drop our trash there and send those human behaviors to outer space? wonder if they are souls that are passing over. does Earth exist? u created a world of suffering… pleasing fake toys… careers are nothing but lie… make you feel like you are in control a little bit…are you really happy? looking at your so-called past life memories. who are those people around you? lost souls and ghost from a forgotten land… they don’t belong here… they have never existed… when the sun comes out, they fade away…

  13. Matias, I am in awe of everything that you do, and my question is about channeling. My wife had her first channeling experience this past weekend while we were doing a contact event for extra terrestrials and/or inter-dimensional beings. She even channeled a being who said “who are you to talk to Gods?” She was scared at first but now wants to know more about this ability and how to hone it. Can you please reach out for some quick resolution or advice? Thank you and keep doing your divine work!!

  14. Hola Matias tengo unos meses siguiendo tu camino, agradezco infinitamente tu mensaje🙏🏼 has traido claridad a mi mente. Estoy en el proceso de alineacion. Yo soy.

  15. There is no mind. I am the all pervading unceasing consciousness. You are consciousness itself not its contents. Clouds come and go, the sky remains. You are like the sky as thought clouds come and go.
    The world is real, no! It is an illusionary appearance. The world is conscious, no! The world is happiness, no! What use is it to argue thus? That state is agreeable to all, whereas giving up the objective outlook one knows oneself, and loses all notions either of unity or duality of oneself, and ego.

    If one has form, oneself, the world and god will also appear to have form. But if one is formless, who is it that sees those forms? And how? Without the eye can any object be seen? The seeing self is the eye, and that eye is the eye of infinity.

    Remember the important part of me is not my body or my identity, but the unborn and undying consciousness within me. The one who is aware of my mind and body. That can’t be harmed. Not by slander, not by bullet’s, and not by death. And from that Perspective all the problems seem like opportunities for my incarnation to solve a puzzle and become wiser, better, and stronger for it.

    The achievements of life are not for oneself as a separate individual, But for the ones who conform with around us. For those who in habit the present time are no more than physical extensions of my body, and by feeding my mind, by feeding myself from experiences, I do only project my being into the future, Reviewing the path I wish to travel transforming into those to come.

    IAM the Conscience of consciousness.
    when I think I hear a voice in my head, I am brain having those thoughts.
    ( If you’re the one hearing the voices in your head, then who are you?)
    I am the consciousness that Controls the body of, sees through the eyes of, and hears through the thoughts of Dustyn.

    The story of Remembering is the path of those fractals of the universe that seek to complete the great puzzle of creation, traversing the patterns of existence, awakening their attributes to unite the cosmic matrix, find order in universal laws, and find potential in life. alchemy of reality to become a conscious part of the creator.

    remember what we carry inside, remembering the parts that make us up and returning them all to the center of our being, in the heart.

    This is the path that we all travel or will travel at some point in existence.

  16. Yo= Tú 💙.
    Soy= “Los Guias”🖤.
    Nosotros= Amor💙
    Soy= Odio🖤
    Nosotros= Familia💙.
    Soy= Enemigos🖤.
    Nosotros= Verdad💙.
    Yo= 😍 y te amamos💙.
    Nosotros = we got your back💙.
    Soy= Mentiras🖤.
    Nosotros= Verdad💙.
    Soy=Engaño🖤Con Preguntas.
    Nosotros= Ignorar, no preguntamos, no respondemos.💙.
    Nosotros= Dios💙
    Soy= Lucifer🖤.
    Nosotros= Unidad💙.
    Soy= Separación 🖤
    Tu= Corazón💙.
    Soy= Mente🖤
    Nosotros=Venceremos 💙.
    Nosotros= Winners💙.
    Soy= Losers🖤.
    *Sigue tu corazón 💙 Follow your heart💙.


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